October 06, 2023
May 11, 2023
New real estate agent, El Paso real estate, new career, training, fresh start
July 12, 2014
Here in the high desert, rain is not very common throughout the year. However, for about three months every year, we welcome the monsoon season. Unfortunately, the common dryness that we experience alomst year round can cause homewoners to become apathetic in havning roof maintnence done. By putting off the maintnence, leaks having a funny way of making themselves seen when the rain does fall...even if it is once in a blue. moon.
Below is a guide to finding leaks and what do when you encounter them.
Wait...where did the little brown stain on the ceiling come from? Is that a subtle dripping noise from overhead? The possibility of a leaking roof is enough to strike terror in the hearts of most homeowners. But trying to track down an elusive roof leak can be complicated by several factors: